Been there, done that...


Well, 2014 isn’t starting off too well for Doug. What will he do next???

Click HERE to see the boss’s motivational posters.
Oops. sorry.

In The Zone

I was informed by my friend Rocom that the Eat/Geek/Play booth at Long Beach Comic and Horror Con was giving away freebie bags at the convention and was looking for artists to donate something. I had the idea of donating some of my stickers but Rocom suggested I do a full comic strip as the sticker (a stripker?). Luckily PS Prints was having a 60% off full color stickers sale so I whipped up this gem featuring Zod, Non and the Phantom Zone! The bags will be given away at random so you may or may not get a sticker. I will also be giving these out with every purchase! Come get some at artist alley #1905!!

If you’re new to the site because you got my sticker from Eat/Geek/Play, WELCOME!

Wait until hear hears about "Batfleck!"


Unlike Doug I had a very busy Summer. Comic-Con, my birthday, a trip to Wisconsin, and a Gallery showing (and another on the way)! It was non-stop so I wasn’t able to draw/post a new strip until now. The bad side was no dot Problems updates, the good side is that I’ve been drawing more now than ever! Even painted a bit!! So please follow me on Facebook to check out the other art and stuff I’m doing!

Also check out my Etsy shop! I updated it with new prints and an art book that I was a part of. I have a wedding to pay for next year so help a brother out…

All these piggies need to go to the gym!

What’s Appening!

Vine is a new app for the iPhone that I’ve seen popping up on peoples Twitter and Facebook pages. I’m not quite sure what it’s useful for but like any app I suppose it’s just fun to play with. Doug uses it to show off his special skills.

THANKS to everyone from WonderCon who is visiting dot Problems! Please follow/subscribe/reblog/etc all my social media links on the top right of the page! It was GREAT meeting you all and I can’t wait to go to another convention!

Check out my Etsy store for limited edition prints and original art!


The Internet has recently exploded with the announcement that Disney was planning on making stand alone Star Wars movies featuring Boba Fett and Han Solo. There was also speculation that there would be Yoda and Darth Maul movies as well. Personally I think it’s a great idea to expand the Star Wars universe and the possibility of other non-episode Star Wars movies is exciting! Let’s just hope they don’t go TOO far back into the characters origins. That idea is what inspired this comic strip. We already had a young Anakin Skywalker saying “Wizard!” Do we need that again? A Han Solo movie where he’s in his early 20’s could be really cool! If you’ve been keeping up with the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network you also know stories about the Star Wars criminal underworld could be awesome!


Check out my Etsy store for limited edition prints and original art!



I’ll be honest; I had NO idea what Krampus was. I originally heard about it through the Venture Brothers cartoon but thought it was something THEY made up. I had no idea it was actual folklore! I’m guessing the Coca-Cola corporation didn’t really want to market a demon so they went with Santa. Good call Coke. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your holiday, whichever one that may be!

Happy Holidays!




When it was announced that Hostess was going out of business people freaked out and Twinkies started selling on eBay for crazy prices. This was Doug’s reaction. Personally I think some smart company will buy Hostess to keep feeding us that glorious, yellow, high fructose corn syrup treat! Not that we need it…

Need some X-Mas ideas? Check out the dot Problems Etsy store!