A web comic that will Tweet your Facebook off!

Category: 2014

  • Merry Christmas Too!

    Happy Holidays from dot Problems! See you in 2015! Read more

  • Throne Of Jobs

    Doug has NOT had a successful year job hunting. What should he do next? Read more

  • Déjà Vu

    Let me preface this by saying Gary Oldman is a GREAT actor and among my favorites. True Romance, The Professional and The Fifth Element are EXCELLENT! It just seems that now Gary Oldman is in the same boat as Morgan Freeman just playing himself more or less. In the last few movies I saw him… Read more

  • Just Married!

    Yup, I got married today. Updates to dot Problems may be spotty due to Comic-Con, a honeymoon, etc. Follow me on my social networks as I always post art there too!! Read more

  • Bugged

    This was one of the things that really annoyed me about Amazing Spider-Man 2 besides the overacting by Paul Giamatti and that creepy stereotypical German scientist dude. While watching, I had quite a few flashbacks to Shumacher’s “Batman and Robin.” The movie felt rushed and characters were crammed into it just to appease the fans.… Read more

  • American Idle

    Being laid off is definitely a shock to the system. We all deal with it differently. Doug builds a couch nest, eats pizza, drinks beer, watches DVD box sets of Stargate SG1 and forgets to shower. Read my NEW web comic Fight Scene only at Eat/Geek/Play! Read more

  • Rebooted

    Well, 2014 isn’t starting off too well for Doug. What will he do next??? Click HERE to see the boss’s motivational posters. Read more